Sunday, October 9, 2016

Middle Earth 90210, or 'binge watching Shanarra on Netflix'

"This magic tree holds a thousand demons imprisoned. When the tree dies, an army of demons, each as mighty as 20 men, will march on the capital."

"Yes, I remember the warning. I have an army of 20,000 soldiers trained & ready."

"Oh. OK then. Tea?"


"Go sneak into the capital, steal the magic stones, and kidnap the half-elf."

"If I fail, I'll be imprisoned for the rest of my life."

"It'll be worse if you fail. Also, don't even think about double-crossing me."

"Oh, good thing you mentioned that last bit, because double-crossing you would be so much easier! Good talk!"


"OK, so there's a traitor in the palace, and our lives are all at risk. For the last time, I'm begging you to institute a 'no-cloaks' dress code!"

"Nope. Cloaks are cool."

"Would you at least even consider a 'no wearing the hood on your cloak up to hide your face inside' rule?"

"Sorry, but that's part of the whole cool look."


I'm guessing the director or producer said to the actor playing Allan-on "try to sound like a young Sean Connery".


John Rhys-Davis seems to deliver each line with a silent prayer that the script never asks him to say anything snarky.


"OK, how about a compromise? Hoods, but no cloaks?"


"Yeah, that rogue girl, she's got a hood, but no cloak. That's a totally cool look!"

"You are really bad at security."


Apparently, flashbacks are filmed through a really bad instagram filter.


Gnomes have ninja stars?


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